Friday, 1 May 2015

Herdie Returns!

Continuing the "returning" theme, I'm pleased to announce that our beloved Herdie trophy has been won back by the Burlington Team. This was thanks to the increased turnout and raised level of interest after the Barrow Park event.
The team comprised of Isaac Barber,Patrick Stephenson, Eddie Goodson, Andrew Johnston, Harvey Atkinson, Ross Mclachlan, Bryn Southward, Jacob Wiles, Sarah Johnston, Georgia Pass, Megan Coward, Ellie Kirkham and Lauren Conlong. We had an incredible number of clear runs and the more experienced members managed some fast times. The steady clears combined with the speedier results gave us the win, so it really was a team effort. Well done everyone.  We were joint first with Holy Family and so, as that was their first ever win of Herdie they have taken him for the first 3 weeks. He will turn to his favourite grazing ground of Kirkby after that! We were so pleased (Herdie looked pleased too).
As always, every member of our team displayed fantastic attitudes and supported each other.
Next event is on Thursday at Cartmel racecourse. No problems, we've got the thoroughbreds!


  1. Replies
    1. Lauren Conlong10 May 2015 at 05:55

      isn't it great that we have Herdy back? We won him last time as well!

  2. sarah johnston25 May 2015 at 05:09

    3 cheers for herdie
    Hip Hip Hooray
    Hip Hip Hooray
    Hip Hip Hooray!


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